Can I Claim Insurance For Car Scratches In India?

We are familiar with India’s congested roadways, where no matter how carefully you drive, your car may sustain scratches or dents. But happily, in these cases, insurance firms offer financial security. As a result, you can renew car insurance online auto insurance company for scratches. Before making a claim in India for minor car dings, there are a few things you should take into account.

Does it have auto insurance coverage?

Check to see if your vehicle insurance renewal carrier covers automobile scratches before submitting claims. Check your type of auto insurance policy first. After that, carefully read your policy agreement’s list of inclusions and exclusions.

If you have third-party coverage, the insurance provider will only cover the relatively modest damages to the other person’s car. However, you can file a claim for your vehicle’s damages if you have comprehensive insurance.

How will this impact your NCB?

Your policy’s no-claim benefit will be impacted if you submit a claim for any harm. The policyholder receives a reward from the insurer in the form of premium savings for maintaining a claim-free record for the duration of the policy. As a result, it is wise to refrain from filing claims for relatively modest damages because doing so will lower your premium for the policy’s subsequent years.

What Will Happen to Your Premium?

Your car insurance policy premium is also impacted in addition to the no-claim bonus. Simply put, the number of your future premiums will depend on the claims history of your insurance coverage. You might have to pay a higher premium if you have made repeated claims on your policy, including those for little repairs, as the insurance provider might view you as a risk.

As was already noted, the first effect of filing a claim for automobile paint damages on your premium is that it cancels out any accrued no-claims bonus. As a result, your premium amount increases. Additionally, insurance companies may raise your policy price if you continue to file frequent claims because underwriters continually review and flag cases when a policyholder files frequent or fictitious claims. Recognize that the primary purpose of insurance is to provide coverage in the event of unexpected issues. It is not intended to be a way to pay for routine car maintenance; if you do, car insurance providers will view you as a risk.

Additionally, it will result in a higher premium. In conclusion, if you discover scratches on your automobile and decide to fix them, see if you can do it without incurring additional costs. The last option should be to file an insurance claim to fix tiny scratches.

Examine the viability of filing a claim for repairing paint blemishes.

According to a proverb, just because something is possible does not mean it should be done. Even if you’re insurance coverage enables you to file a claim for repairing the scratch, you must still assess the benefits and drawbacks of doing so. If the cost of correcting the paintwork is less than your No-Claim Bonus, you should verify first before making a claim. Second, only submit the claim if it is your required deductible. You are better off paying for it out of your wallet unless a substantial paint job is required.

The claim’s effect on your no-claim bonus

Insurance companies for automobiles reward safe and responsible drivers with NO CLAIMS BONUS. You can receive a No Claim Bonus of up to 50% if you drive your car for five years without filing a claim. It will be a direct discount of 50% off your vehicle’s damage insurance premium. It can save you a sizable sum of money if you drive a high-end car. Any No Claim Bonus you may have accrued is void if you file a claim. You will have to restart from scratch. To avoid this, you can add an NCB protector when you purchase the vehicle. However, if you don’t have that add-on, you’ll need to decide whether or not filing a car scratch claim is worthwhile, given the potential loss of your NCB.

Deductibles’ function in a claim for a car scratch

To prevent policyholders from filing fictitious claims, the concept of deductibles has been retained regarding claims. The coverage has two different types of deductibles. The mandatory deductible comes first, followed by the elective deductible. While everyone must pay the mandatory deductible, discretionary deductibles are typically chosen to lower your policy’s price. Should you need to file a claim, the optional deductible is deducted from the claim sum. You would be better off paying for the repair if the cost of filing the paint claim is lower than the required deductible. The same applies to the optional deductible.


Although it is possible to file an insurance claim for automobile dings in India, it is best to avoid doing so. Your no-claim bonus, deductibles, and premium cost will all be significantly impacted. As a result, even though you may have saved a little money, you might eventually pay more.

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